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Ask your favorite characters anything you want. It's the exact oposite thing from the other page, "Ask ur Fav. Charct" page, beleive me!
The characters  you're allowed to choose are:
- Inuyasha   - Kagome    - Kikyo   - Miroku   - Sango   - Shippo
- Sesshoumaru (Or Fluffy)   - Kouga   - Naraku
(When you choose "Publish", the character you chose will answer you with all these colors. Your color would be THIS. **NO REQUESTS ON COLOR!**) [ I need you to think twice about what to ask!  Or view FAQ page]

To who?
Your Question

Dear Inuyasha,
  Do u love Kagome and I mean love like?
Dear Amanda,
  Well, all I like about Kagome is that she is a Jewel detector. That's all. And would you stop stalking me?!
>> Inuyasha
Dear Kagome,
   Do you feel sometimes that you want to quit the team and live a normal life? 
>> Nikki
Dear Nikki,
   Well, I do... Sometimes. I've acutally tried to quit, but you know my heart is with the team. I can't leave Inuyasha and the others and just leave them die... I just can't. But thanks for asking! It was very nice of you.
>> Kagome

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